Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's still way too hot here.

One day of a little rain but other than that it's been pretty miserable.

I've gotten a bit done this week -- I planted the other blueberry and the three hostas. Watering every day (sometimes twice a day), along with icing and shade cloth, has kept the blueberries alive, but the first one is about to drop its leaves.

I lost a few of the strawberry plants, too, but the daylilies seem to be doing a bit better. Several of them had leaves drying up. The cabbages seem to have established nicely, as well as the rosemary.

I also planted some basil, one plant behind the magnolia, the other off to the side in my established herb bed. Both seem to be doing fine, but they're in partial shade.

I'm beginning to think that I should plant like I did back in southern California -- with summer being the "dead" season. I know how to keep things alive over the winter with protection, but in this drought keeping plants alive over the summer is becoming a challenge.

If you're new to overwintering, this is the time to start thinking about it here in the North. I completely recommend this book Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long. If you have winters that drop below freezing, it's a fantastic resource.

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